Régen nem volt szó a filmről, nem sok mindent lehet már mondani róla, közel 1 billió dollár bevételt hozott már, így egyértelmű a kérdés azóta is, hogy vajon lesz e folytatás? Igen, a kérdés az, hogy lesz e következő Batman film?
LA Times megkérdezte erről Christopher Nolan-t, aki egy elég hosszú választ adott a dologra:
"Well ... let me think how to put this. There are two things to be said. One is the emphasis on story. What's the story? Is there a story that's going to keep me emotionally invested for the couple of years that it will take to make another one? That's the overriding question. On a more superficial level, I have to ask the question: How many good third movies in a franchise can people name? [Laughs.] At the same time, in taking on the second one, we had the challenge of trying to make a great second movie, and there haven't been too many of those either. It's all about the story really. If the story is there, everything is possible. I hope that was a suitably slippery answer."

A teljes riportot pedig is elolvashatjátok, csak kattintani kell.